Ruby 像 MySQL 那样格式化打印表格
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github 链接: 。我们都知道 MySQL 的输出一般像下边这样的(格式化输出打印,很好看):

mysql> select * from tb_person;+----+----------+-------------+------+------+-------------+---------------------+| id | name     | phone       | age  | sex  | description | create_time         |+----+----------+-------------+------+------+-------------+---------------------+|  1 | zhangsan | 132****2889 |   25 | M    | NoDesc      | 2020-11-30 20:03:07 ||  3 | lisi     | 152****7873 |   18 | F    | None        | 2020-11-30 20:08:33 ||  5 | wangwu   | 136****2908 |   25 | M    | Nothing     | 2020-11-30 20:10:11 || 10 | zhaoliu  | 138****5322 |   15 | M    | Nothing     | 2020-11-30 20:12:11 |+----+----------+-------------+------+------+-------------+---------------------+

而且 Python 也有类似的第三方库来打印这种表格,比如  来构造类似的输出(用的 prettytable)。 那么 Ruby 怎么像这样格式化打印结果呢?

terminal-table 安装

gem install terminal-table

[root@master ~]# gem install terminal-tableFetching terminal-table-2.0.0.gemFetching unicode-display_width-1.7.0.gemSuccessfully installed unicode-display_width-1.7.0Successfully installed terminal-table-2.0.0Parsing documentation for unicode-display_width-1.7.0Installing ri documentation for unicode-display_width-1.7.0Parsing documentation for terminal-table-2.0.0Installing ri documentation for terminal-table-2.0.0Done installing documentation for unicode-display_width, terminal-table after 0 seconds2 gems installed

terminal-table 导入

require 'terminal-table'

terminal-table 使用

require 'terminal-table'tb = Terminal::Table.newtb.title = "Terminal Table Testing"tb.headings = ["id", "name", "phone", "age", "sex", "description", "create_time"]tb.add_row([1, "zhangsan", "132****2889", 25, "M", "NoDesc", "2020-11-30 20:03:07"])tb.add_row([3, "lisi",     "152****7873", 18, "F", "None",   "2020-11-30 20:08:33"])tb.add_row([5, "wangwu",   "136****2908", 25, "M", "Nothing","2020-11-30 20:10:11"])tb.add_row([10,"zhaoliu",  "138****5322", 15, "M", "Nothing","2020-11-30 20:12:11"])tb.align_column(0, :right)puts tb

terminal-table 输出

+----+----------+-------------+-----+-----+-------------+---------------------+|                           Terminal Table Testing                            |+----+----------+-------------+-----+-----+-------------+---------------------+| id | name     | phone       | age | sex | description | create_time         |+----+----------+-------------+-----+-----+-------------+---------------------+|  1 | zhangsan | 132****2889 | 25  | M   | NoDesc      | 2020-11-30 20:03:07 ||  3 | lisi     | 152****7873 | 18  | F   | None        | 2020-11-30 20:08:33 ||  5 | wangwu   | 136****2908 | 25  | M   | Nothing     | 2020-11-30 20:10:11 || 10 | zhaoliu  | 138****5322 | 15  | M   | Nothing     | 2020-11-30 20:12:11 |+----+----------+-------------+-----+-----+-------------+---------------------+


给大家来个实际的例子压压惊。(@tb.align_column 对齐一般在数据添加完成后再设置,如果先设置的话,是不会生效的哟!)

# test.json{  "title": "Hackbench Performance Testing",  "unit": "KB/s",  "x_name": "bs|test_size",  "tables": {    "fio.read_iops": {      "average": {        "dimensions": [          "compare_dimension",          "openeuler 20.03"        ],        "source": [          [            "4k|1G",            "4k|80G",            "16k|1G",            "32k|1G",            "64k|1G",            "128k|1G",            "256k|1G",            "512k|1G",            "1024k|1G"          ],          [            "openeuler 20.03",            144076.2903315,            11601.099817,            37865.30472368628,            21145.10375497826,            14010.34254665909,            6701.240849466667,            3205.077255,            1367.476930860465,            673.3270888666667          ]        ]      },      "standard_deviation": {        "dimensions": [          "compare_dimension",          "openeuler 20.03"        ],        "source": [          [            "4k|1G",            "4k|80G",            "16k|1G",            "32k|1G",            "64k|1G",            "128k|1G",            "256k|1G",            "512k|1G",            "1024k|1G"          ],          [            "openeuler 20.03",            195,            0,            214,            205,            188,            183,            180,            191,            191          ]        ]      }    },    "fio.write_iops": {      "average": {        "dimensions": [          "compare_dimension",          "centos 7.6",          "openeuler 20.03"        ],        "source": [          [            "4k|1G",            "16k|1G",            "32k|1G",            "64k|1G",            "128k|1G",            "256k|1G",            "512k|1G",            "1024k|1G"          ],          [            "centos 7.6",            345243.028251,            142698.794456,            62108.34762725,            34747.729395,            26330.187008999997,            10317.85034025,            7471.708886999999,            3558.2993653999997          ],          [            "openeuler 20.03",            122003.54468561111,            33528.52637123529,            31469.058358695653,            13870.135498022726,            8249.707439577778,            4329.454872088889,            1976.5380473953487,            1141.003158088889          ]        ]      },      "standard_deviation": {        "dimensions": [          "compare_dimension",          "centos 7.6",          "openeuler 20.03"        ],        "source": [          [            "4k|1G",            "16k|1G",            "32k|1G",            "64k|1G",            "128k|1G",            "256k|1G",            "512k|1G",            "1024k|1G"          ],          [            "centos 7.6",            97,            95,            122,            125,            100,            130,            101,            103          ],          [            "openeuler 20.03",            174,            188,            171,            197,            181,            175,            170,            176          ]        ]      },      "change": {        "dimensions": [          "compare_dimension",          "centos 7.6 vs openeuler 20.03"        ],        "source": [          [            "4k|1G",            "16k|1G",            "32k|1G",            "64k|1G",            "128k|1G",            "256k|1G",            "512k|1G",            "1024k|1G"          ],          [            "centos 7.6 vs openeuler 20.03",            183.0,            325.6,            97.4,            150.5,            219.2,            138.3,            278.0,            211.9          ]        ]      }    }  }}
# test.rbrequire 'json'require 'terminal-table'# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# format compare template results into a table format#class FormatTableData  def initialize(result_hash, row_size=8)    @title = result_hash['title']    @tables = result_hash['tables']    @unit = result_hash['unit']    @x_name = result_hash['x_name']    @row_size = row_size  end  def show_table    @tables.each do |table_title, table|      @tb = Terminal::Table.new      set_table_title      row_num = get_row_num(table)      split_data_column(table_title, table, row_num)      set_align_column      print_table    end  end  def set_table_title    @tb.title = "#{@title} (unit: #{@unit}, x_name: #{@x_name})"  end  def get_row_num(table)    data_column_size = table['average']['source'][0].size    row_num = data_column_size / @row_size    row_rem = data_column_size % @row_size    if row_rem > 0      row_num += 1    end    row_num  end  def split_data_column(table_title, table, row_num)    row_num.times do |row|      starts = 1 + row * @row_size      ends = starts + @row_size      set_field_names(table_title, table, starts, ends)      add_rows(table, starts, ends)      break if row == row_num - 1      @tb.add_separator      @tb.add_separator    end  end  def set_field_names(table_title, table, starts, ends)    field_names = [table_title]    field_names.concat(table['average']['source'][0][starts-1...ends-1])    @tb.add_row(field_names)    @tb.add_separator  end  def add_rows(table, starts, ends)    row_names = %w[average standard_deviation change]    max_size = row_names.map(&:size).max    row_names.each do |row_name|      next unless table[row_name]      dimensions_size = table[row_name]['dimensions'].size      (1...dimensions_size).each do |index|        add_row(table, row_name, index, max_size, starts, ends)      end    end  end  def add_row(table, row_name, index, max_size, starts, ends)    row = table[row_name]['source'][index]    row_title = [row_name + ' ' * (max_size - row_name.size), row[0]].join(' ')    format_data_row = row[starts...ends]    if row_name == 'change'      format_data_row.map! { |data| format('%.1f%%', data) }    else      format_data_row.map! { |data| format('%.2f', data) }    end    @tb.add_row([row_title, *format_data_row])  end  def set_align_column    @tb.number_of_columns.times do |index|      @tb.align_column(index + 1, :right)    end    @tb.align_column(0, :left)  end  def print_table    puts @tb    puts  endendresult_hash = JSON.load(File.open('test.json'))table_results = FormatTableData.new(result_hash, 9)table_results.show_table
+------------------------------------+-----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+---------+---------+---------+----------+|                                  Hackbench Performance Testing (unit: KB/s, x_name: bs|test_size)                                   |+------------------------------------+-----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+---------+---------+---------+----------+| fio.read_iops                      |     4k|1G |   4k|80G |   16k|1G |   32k|1G |   64k|1G | 128k|1G | 256k|1G | 512k|1G | 1024k|1G |+------------------------------------+-----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+---------+---------+---------+----------+| average            openeuler 20.03 | 144076.29 | 11601.10 | 37865.30 | 21145.10 | 14010.34 | 6701.24 | 3205.08 | 1367.48 |   673.33 || standard_deviation openeuler 20.03 |    195.00 |     0.00 |   214.00 |   205.00 |   188.00 |  183.00 |  180.00 |  191.00 |   191.00 |+------------------------------------+-----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+---------+---------+---------+----------++--------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+---------+----------+|                                     Hackbench Performance Testing (unit: KB/s, x_name: bs|test_size)                                      |+--------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+---------+----------+| fio.write_iops                                   |     4k|1G |    16k|1G |   32k|1G |   64k|1G |  128k|1G |  256k|1G | 512k|1G | 1024k|1G |+--------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+---------+----------+| average            centos 7.6                    | 345243.03 | 142698.79 | 62108.35 | 34747.73 | 26330.19 | 10317.85 | 7471.71 |  3558.30 || average            openeuler 20.03               | 122003.54 |  33528.53 | 31469.06 | 13870.14 |  8249.71 |  4329.45 | 1976.54 |  1141.00 || standard_deviation centos 7.6                    |     97.00 |     95.00 |   122.00 |   125.00 |   100.00 |   130.00 |  101.00 |   103.00 || standard_deviation openeuler 20.03               |    174.00 |    188.00 |   171.00 |   197.00 |   181.00 |   175.00 |  170.00 |   176.00 || change             centos 7.6 vs openeuler 20.03 |    183.0% |    325.6% |    97.4% |   150.5% |   219.2% |   138.3% |  278.0% |   211.9% |+--------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+---------+----------+



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